Among all the inhabitants of the planet's wildlife, there are representatives not only endowed with primitive intelligence, and a well-developed mind, which in some way may exceed the human. A list of top 10 included the most smartest animals in the world...
It opens the top ten most intelligent animals in the world of pigeons. These birds are able to recognize their image in the mirror, remember people, places, and events. The fact that in ancient times it was used pigeons as postmen, indicates the presence of high intelligence.
Ninth place among the most intelligent animals occupy the pigs. It is believed that the big-eared pig in something superior to intelligence of cats and dogs. They are easily trainable and can easily perform some stunts. In pigs very well the biological clock. In case of delay eating smart Piggy begin to worry and displeasure grunting. It has been proven that it is not only one of the most intelligent animals, but also the most nervous. Elementary clapping can cause alertness in the pack, which freezes in anticipation of something unknown.
The eighth place among the most intelligent animals gets proteins. They are not afraid of man, easily tamed and often settle close to human settlements. If you start to lure the squirrel, then it must return to the same for a new portion of the day. All that the small animal can not eat. Making huge stock of provisions for the winter, Tailed Fluffy remember for several months each of his hiding places, where the food is kept hidden away.
The seventh position among the most intelligent animals occupy crows. This is an incredibly smart birds are able to pull off all their favorite subject, showing remarkable ingenuity. For hunting large prey, they often gather in flocks to overpower the victim. They can operate in tandem with the hunt for alien eggs. At the same time, one crow distract the bird, while the other pulls the egg. If feathered thinks of nuts to eat, they knows that their needs to be broken. For this raven soars high and throws the fruit, so that they could break up on a hard surface. Many experiments have shown that these birds, while production of food can be an incredible sharpness.
Sixth place occupied among the most intelligent animals rat. They are able to outwit the most difficult trap and leave the prey, leaving the trap with nothing. Scientists have suggested that rodents are endowed with the collective intelligence that allows them to get out alive from the most difficult situations. In a pack of these animals is bound to have the leader of the scouts, who gave their lives can try the taste of the poisoned food. If the product contains a poison, other rodents will bypass its side.
Fifth place among the most intelligent animals in the world occupy the cats. These mammals are not lagging behind in the mind of the dog. They are able to understand human speech and is very smart. In some cases, cats are showing incredible savvy and can perform certain commands.
Fourth place was taken among the most intelligent animal on planet dogs. Higher intelligence among all species endowed with a poodle. This animal is able to remember and understand up to 250 words and gestures. They know how to count 5 and perform basic mathematical operations. Pets are not only well trained, but also can distinguish the image in the photographs. In addition, the four-endowed with an amazing intuition and instinct: they may notice the slightest changes in behavior and mood of the person. Despite the high intelligence, such people are not endowed with flair. Also, many stray dogs tend to cross the road at a pedestrian crossing at the traffic lights.
Open the three most intelligent animals dolphins. Unique residents of the underwater world for a long time engaged in the education of their offspring. They prefer to live in flocks and are accustomed to collective work. Dolphins are able to imitate the actions of humans and other animals. These huge fish are not averse to show off in front of the mirror, which recognize their image. They are easily trainable, and tend to be creative in performing stunts. With beep animals are spoken to each other even at a great distance. As they whistle with incredible accuracy determine their relatives. The ability of dolphins to imitate basic human words, the chirping of birds and other sounds simply amazing. It is proved that the number of convolutions in the brain of this animal is twice the number in humans. Surprisingly, the dolphin is awake all the time: the two hemispheres alternately come back. Thus, it never sleeps.
Second place in the ranking of the most intelligent animals occupy the elephants. This is one of the largest mammals on earth. At first glance, these clumsy, large animals give the impression of immaturity and a passive attitude toward everything. But this impression is deceptive. Aristotle himself said about the elephant, it is "an animal that is superior to all others in wit and intellect." Elephants with tenderness and care belong to his generation. In case of death of one of the tribe, the animal a few days can not move away from the body of the deceased, and then throw the corpse of the existing foliage, arranging funerals likeness. Resentment is an animal, it is better not to meet in their way: chetveronogo have a unique memory to remember the faces and events of a lifetime. Besides mammal excellent hearing and musical sensitivity. Elephant easily trained and can perform complex tricks and responsible, which is why it is one of the main participants in the circus show. In addition, sometimes the elephant would not mind to play games such as football, or to paint landscapes.
Topping the list of the most intelligent animals apes, particularly chimpanzees. Nature has endowed primates large, complex brain, similar to the human. They freely communicate with like-minded individuals and have certain language skills. Chimpanzees can use a variety of tools for food production: the stones to break the coconut fruit, sticks to extract termites and so on. They can also make themselves elementary spears for hunting. This animal is able to recognize her reflection in the mirror. According to intelligence apes sometimes exceeds three-year child. But in spite of his advanced intelligence, capabilities monkey still never be compared with human abilities.
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