There are many excellent reasons for buying or adopting a pet when you have children. Pets allow children to learn more about being responsible, and they teach them what it means to have to care for another living thing. Not only that, but pets are great companions, so your child will never have to feel lonely, and they are good exercise, as they will need to be played with – dogs are particularly good in this regard, as they need to be taken for walks, but all pets can be exercised in one way or another.
If you have decided that you want to get your child a pet because of the reasons listed above, or perhaps others that we haven’t mentioned, you might be wondering what kind of pet is best. You have a number of options. Read on to find out what some of the best ones are.

It’s likely that when you imagine a pet for your child, it’s a dog that first comes to mind. There is a reason for this; they offer children (and adults) so much and are wonderful when they are part of the family, and therefore they are ideal pets. However, there are plenty of things you’ll need to take into account if this is the option you want to pick.
Just saying you want a dog isn’t enough; you’ll need to know what kind of dog is going to work best for your family. Some are long-haired and need more grooming, and some don’t require any brushing at all (but will still need a regular bath). Others are more active, and some prefer just a short walk once a day. What do you want? Do you want a dog that needs a lot of exercise and play, or one that doesn’t? What is going to work for you? No matter what breed you choose, you will need an outdoor space for them. If that is your own backyard, make sure you install an electric dog fence to keep your pet safe and secure.
Cats don’t always have the reputation as being the friendliest of creatures, especially when compared to dogs which are considered to be loyal and known as ‘man’s best friend’, so this might make you think twice before getting a cat as a pet for your child. However, cats can actually be highly affectionate and, because they are a lot more self-sufficient than dogs, are perfect pets for busier households.
Of course, that doesn’t mean you can just let the cat take care of itself and never worry about it; you’ll still need to ensure it has enough of the right food, plenty of water, toys to play with, and company – as well as a litter box if it is to be an indoor cat – but cats are more independent, and can be left for longer periods of time by themselves. Therefore, they can be a good pet to start with as they need taking care of, but nowhere near as much as a dog does.
Would it surprise you to learn that rabbits are extremely sociable creatures, and they love human company? Many people just assume they can live in a hutch or cage and keep themselves occupied, but if you choose to get a rabbit – and it is a good choice – then you will need to spare time to play with it and keep it mentally stimulated.
Rabbits are fun pets to have as they are playful creatures and they will, with some training, even be able to live inside the house with you. Because they are more ‘contained’ than a cat or a dog, they can be a good way for a child to start learning responsibility without too much stress.
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